“A story of one extraordinary man and the people that influenced his life. The moments that lifted him up and took him to places he had never thought imaginable! Honest, raw and inspiring. A must read.”

— Katy Talley, Sr. HR Professional


Life In Moments 

Inspiration, Determination, Grit

By Tom Hart

As a kid, Tom Hart lacked confidence, and never felt like he belonged, until he started working in a convenience store and met his manager, John. 

John gave him purpose, and when Tom went to work he felt the confidence he lacked in other parts of his life. 

Along the way, Tom met many more influential people in his life and approached new challenges in business. Through the power of grit, he conquered his fears and went from a stock clerk at a local corner store to chief operating officer of a multi-million dollar company, to eventually starting his own business. 

Life In Moments is a story about the people in Tom’s life and their moments together—the lessons they taught him, how they lifted him up at his lowest points, and how he used those lessons to build a better business and life. These moments happen to everyone, and they are powerful, even if they’re not realized in the moment itself.

“Life is not measured by time. It is measured by moments.”

— Armin Houman

Share Your Moment

I would love to hear about your moment that made a difference in your life. I’m hoping to share these moments to inspire others to impact someone’s life with even the smallest of gestures.